First Minister Humza Yousaf will set up the forthcoming general election campaign as a clash of "values" between the SNP and Keir Starmer's Labour party.

The Westminster election is expected later this year, with the two parties set to wage a fierce contest for seats across Scotland.

Mr Starmer appears certain to win a landslide majority across the country as a whole, and will aim to regain seats from the SNP north of the border.

Mr Yousaf will speak to the STUC congress in Dundee this week, where he's expected to contrast his party's 'progressive' values with those of the Labour Party.

He will cite his support for a ceasefire in Gaza, as well as the SNP's longstanding opposition to the Trident nuclear weapons system based at Faslane.

Addressing delegates at the STUC Congress in Dundee on Tuesday, in which he will outline his vision for a fairer Scotland, Mr Yousaf is expected to say: “The upcoming general election is going to be a choice of values – it is about who will stand by their principles, and stand by the interests of working people and of Scotland.

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“In my first year in office, I am proud to have delivered progressive taxation in Scotland, a direct ask of the STUC – allowing us to invest more in public services, tackle poverty and support a just climate transition.

“I am proud to increase the Scottish Child Payment – one of our measures helping to lift an estimated 100,000 children in Scotland out of poverty this year.

“And I have been unequivocal in my support for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and continue to demand an end to UK arms sales to Israel.

“It is clear that Sir Keir Starmer is going to be the next Prime Minister of the UK, which is why earlier this year I wrote to him offering to meet so we could discuss how the Scottish Government can work with his government in the interest of the people of Scotland. 

“We need to start reversing the damage of 14 years of Conservative rule, and I am keen we see immediate progress – so I’m disappointed that Keir Starmer didn’t even bother to reply.

The Herald: Keir Starmer

“Because I know that people in this country want to see politicians put aside differences where we can and work in the interests of households across Scotland, and the UK.

“You can be absolutely clear what I and my SNP MP colleagues stand for.

“We will support increased investment in public services – not a continuation of Tory tax and spending plans.

“We will support measures to strengthen workers’ rights – and oppose any attempt to water down commitments and work to ensure that the offer matches the rhetoric.

“We will support measures to tackle poverty, and want to see a child payment rolled out across the UK. And we will continue to lead opposition to the two-child cap and the abhorrent rape clause.

“We will never abandon the WASPI women – we will demand justice and compensation for them.

“And we will oppose the wasting of hundreds of billions of pounds on weapons of mass destruction – money which could be invested in our people and our public services.

“Keir Starmer’s values will see him lift the cap on bankers’ bonuses, but not lift the two-child benefit cap - those are the wrong values and wrong priorities.

“In this election, Scotland has a choice of values, and I will be calling on people to vote for  what they believe in, and vote for a progressive future for Scotland that I know we all want to see.”