I wonder how many of those watching Lindsay John's bravura performance on Sunday realised what the whole Mardi Gras spirit of the West End Festival street party owes to John's creative initiative in setting up the exotically-costumed Carnival Parades in the first place. Of late, however, John has been absent from the live performance scene - just what we have been missing was laid out, with consummate craft, humour and insight on the paved forecourt of Kelvingrove's Art Gallery. While two of the Paragon Kaleidophone players - Eddie McGuire and Hooi Ling Eng - created shimmering textures of gonging, fluting and melodic clatterings, John used the circular markings on the ground to make a life journey expressed in various walks.

Body whitened, clad in a brief, clever "wrap" that was actually an area street map, with big boots on his feet and a giant tassel pluming on his head, John walked jaunty, coquettish, hirpling-lame, drunk, gallus and more.

Some strides were macho, others dainty-lady. Each circuit, a different walk but - referencing his butoh training - taking him closer to the centre in moves that became more expansively dance-y as he reached a point where, boots off, he could leave the space and walk out and away. And whether the kids got the profound philosophy or not, they were definitely gripped by the "weirdy man" walking the walks of Everyman. Sunday in the park with Lindsay should become a regular feature.