Usher Hall, Edinburgh

Four stars

Starting with a melodic string of syllables and gibberish, Reeling was an excellent opener to the alternative musical experience of Bang On A Can All-Stars. The use of field recordings added a dynamic edge to the performance, adding variety to the visual aspect of it. It also allowed the group to explore a number of themes, from the monotony of airports to the playful innocence of a cat's stroll in the park. The All-Stars ultimately seemed to be comparing (perhaps naively) the carefree primitive world to the angst-ridden modern world we inhabit.

Visually, Ken Thomson on clarinets adds his own dancing and movement to what's otherwise an understandably static performance, showing the overall enthusiasm of the group in its performance. The All-Stars bring their own modern twist to classical instruments and create an excellent backdrop to the monologues featured in An Open Cage and A Wonderful Day as well themselves providing a powerful and emotional sound. The group exhibit the imagination needed to pull off what could have been a cacophony of sounds and music with gimmicky visual effects into an excellent piece of art.

Finishing with an encore, much applause and ovation the Bang in a Can All Stars clearly struck the nail on the head with their intriguing soundscapes and instrumental prowess.