l After the indulgence comes the penitence, as even the most agnostic reveller knows.

Come the new year, the impulse to shed those excess pounds gained can be given an artistic gloss by subscribing to the Scottish Ballet exercise regime. New Year New You is the third of the company's popular series of exercise downloads designed to help tone, lengthen and strengthen muscles with a view to kick starting the new year the right way. This download introduces barre work and takes the form of a dancer's regular warm-up prior to taking a daily class. Tune in to www.scottishballet.co.uk/healthandfitness in January 2013 to tone up.

l The Scottish region that leapt to the defence of Creative Scotland in a letter to The Herald is to establish its own pan-arts organisation to bring a strategic direction to cultural provision in the area. Provisionally known as Dumfries and Galloway Chamber for the Arts, the intiative has already attracted the support of Scottish Government Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop and Creative Scotland and will be led by Kathleen O'Neill, a visual artist who filled a similar role at Clackmannanshire Council from 2003 to 2010. Working with her will be Peter Stark, who was involved in the cultural regeneration of Newcastle/Gateshead, and former journalist Matthew Shelley.