It doesn't matter whether he's talking about the personal or the political, Kevin Day boldly strides up to the line and sticks a big toe over into territory that's not normally said in polite company.

Being very, very funny is his get-out-of-jail-free card. So although lawyers' ears twitch when he talks about Charlie Brooks and his "(cough) innocent (cough)" wife and the custodians of political correctness feel their blood pressure rise when he posits an alternative use for pregnant women, it's hard to be censorious when you're guiltily giggling yourself. The routine about a ghostly encounter and closing material about his wife's recent illness come from another place entirely, and are unexpectedly touching in their emotional nakedness. It's not the most comfortable comedy hour you'll spend at the Fringe, but sometimes the art of the genre lies in how it makes you feel, not just how much it makes you laugh.