J BARRIE Shepherd makes light of the trials and tribulations of getting old in this wry reflection from Lallans 89, the Yuil 2016 edition (£9).

The latest issue of the “journal o Scots airts an letters” offers the customary lively mix of poetry and prose in Scots.

Not the least of its attractions are its book reviews in Scots, including one about what seems a fascinating new study of the Darien fiasco.


Ye ken whit they’re aye tellin ye

‘yer ainly auld the yince.’

Ah weel, that’s jist fine,

nae problem at a wi me at ony rate,

because despite a thon chirpy greetin cairds

aboot the Gowden Years, this girn

in ma richt shooder, yon oangoin ache

in ma lang-sufferin back, the wey ma left fit

keeps drappin doon at the wrong place, an then

a they weekly veesits tae the friendly fellowship

o cardiologists, rheumatologists, endocrinologists,

gastro-enterologists, no tae mention the optometrists,

physical therapists and dentists, keep oan remindin me

o thon even-aulder-than-ah-am-the-noo-lassie

whae advisit us ower caundlelit denner,

‘When ye wauk up in the mornin,

an naethin new hurts,

ye ken yer deid.’