l Dundee Wall

l Dundee Wall

Status updates taken from online social media generated within a few miles of DCA are typeset, printed and pasted across a gallery wall in chronological order.

l The Time Machine in alphabetical order

The 1960 film version of HG Wells' famous novella has been careful re-edited by hand to play in alphabetical order according to every word spoken in the film.

l A Short Film About War

A documentary artwork made entirely out of information found online takes the viewer to a number of warzones, as seen through the collective eyes of online photo-sharing communities like Flickr, and as witnessed by military and civilian bloggers.

l Belief

Fragmented broadcasts about belief are sourced from the video-sharing community YouTube to form a montage that plays back alongside a compass indicating the direction and our distance from the origin of each clip as it plays.

l Six Years Of Mondays

Features time-lapse movies made by the Fife man Graham Smith, who has been recording the view from his bedroom window every day from 6am to 6pm since 2006.

l The First Person

A video work that takes a stream of first person testimony sourced from American self-help websites and randomly intercuts this quoted material with the found video footage of a burning house.

l Corruption

A triptych of light-boxes, each comprising 12 frames taken from a corrupt digital video file found online becomes animated by the viewers' movements.

