Event: Hazel Gore, art exhibition, Veneer Gallery, Glasgow

Verdict by Nicola Scott: five stars

The 'Art of Storytelling' is a showcase of Gore's thoughts and imagination over her years as young female artist.

Four years after graduating from art school, she leaves paper thick with pencil marks, telling tales that oddities are as familiar as their ambiguous narratives.

The dense heavy lines and colouring give Hazel's drawings a permanence that their characters seem captured by. The settings do the same. Hardwood-floored rooms, sparse woodlands and the cover of night present everyday places that for one reason or another leave you ill at ease. The last scene in Brian De Palma's Carrie is dream sequence. It is daylight and a girl in a nightgown walks towards the place where Carrie's house once stood. This iconic dream scene shows the audience ordinary suburbia but they can't quite place why it feels so odd. The scene is filmed at night, the daylight is artificial.

It was filmed backwards, then played forwards. The natural rhythms are manipulated. Gore's work reminds me of this scene. Not all is what it appears, even the things that are presented to you as clear as day. Webs trap women and children rid wolves but everyone smiles out from the paper like this is the norm.

If you have the chance to see Gore's work take it, I usually hate the sterile white of a gallery but the wooden frames and the scenes they hold take you out of that environment and into fairytales your parents never dared to tell you.