Louisa McLennan

Latest articles from Louisa McLennan

Breastfeeding: it’s complicated

You might have seen the posters on stations and buses. They feature a series of smiling, serene young women cuddling bright-eyed babies, with slogans positively comparing the decision to breastfeed with an everyday triviality, like “laughing when my mate’s highlights turned green”.

Do we get a silver for style?

From Sue Barker’s super suits to Shirley Robertson’s water wear, some television stars have stuck to their usual style, while others have adapted a look to suit the event.

Saunders and Kane on show at Olympics opening ceremony

The start of London 2012 showcased the work of two of Scotland’s most talented designers, with Emeli Sandéappearing in the opening ceremony wearing Jonathan Saunders, and the Duchess of Cambridge wearing Christopher Kane to watch the event.

Interview: Chris Tiso, outdoor entrepreneur

Chris Tiso is no stranger to operating under adverse conditions. The chief executive of the outdoor retailer Tiso comes from a family of mountaineers, and spent a year as the skipper on yacht - unlikely, if appropriate preparation for the task he now faces, steering a large business through the economic storm.

Interview: Martin Gilbert, Aberdeen Asset Management

The chief executive of one of Scotland’s most successful finance companies credits an aversion to debt and a focus on developing in Asia with ensuring a strong performance, despite the turmoil in the global markets.