Career high:

Probably standing trackside at Pittodrie taking photographs for The Hope That Kills Us in 2002.

Career low: I was made redundant early in my career and it took seven months to get another job. I had a wife and four-month-old baby to support and it was horrific, but it taught me so much about self-reliance and belief in your own ability to make a living by your own hand that it took away the fear.

Best advice received: Don't give away equity.

Favourite meal: Andrew Fairlie at Gleneagles.

Last Book Read: The Examined Life, by Stephen Grosz.

Best Trait: Drive, I think.

Worst trait? I get bored insanely easily.

Ideal dinner guests: Czech writer Ivan Klima. Winnie Ewing would be fascinating, and Count Alfred von Schlieffen, the ultimate military technocrat. That combination would be hilarious.