Gerard Rochford projects himself into the mind and world of J S Bach, who had a large family by his second wife Anna Magdalena while creating weekly inspired cantatas for his Leipzig church. The poem comes from Rochford's new collection, Morning Crossword, with atmospheric illustrations by Esther Green (Malfranteaux Concepts, £10).


The winter was mild.

Fewer deaths mean fewer funerals

and my income fades.


Spring however promises commissions:

Easter, Ascension Thursday, Whitsun weddings.


The dry summer raises the price of potatoes,

and another baby coming.


Monday rule the paper, draft the score,

Tuesday write the cantata. Wednesday

copy the parts for orchestra and chorus,

half of whom can't read. Thursday copying.

Friday copying. Saturday one rehearsal.


Sunday Service goes well. Anna says:

Tomorrow the baby will come.

Later she sings to me.


Monday rule the sheets then walk to market,

haggle for potatoes. Home, to a host of midwives.


My children surround the cradle and we are happy.

Tuesday, Anna cooks dinner.

Angels praise God in my head.