Edmund Blunden (1896-1974), reflecting on the First World War in 1928, takes the bleakest of overviews.

His last lines may be read straightforwardly or viewed as steeped in irony. His piece is included in The New Oxford Book of War Poetry (edited by Jon Stallworthy, £16.99).


I have been young, and now am not too old;

And I have seen the righteous forsaken,

His health, his honour and his quality taken.

This is not what we were formerly told.

I have seen a green country, useful to the race,

Knocked silly with guns and mines, its villages vanished,

Even the last rat and last kestrel banished -

God bless us all, this was peculiar grace.

I knew Seraphina; Nature gave her hue,

Glance, sympathy, note, like one from Eden.

I saw her warp, heard her lyric deaden;

She turned to harlotry; - this I took to be new.

Say what you will, our God sees how they run.

These disillusions are His curious proving

That he loves humanity and will go on loving;

Over these are faith, life, virtue in the sun.