OK, we're not saying it was value for money given that it cost £1800 for every citizen of Edinburgh (well over three times as much as the cost of setting up the paraphernalia of a new Scottish state by some reckonings).

Nevertheless, it has to be admitted that the new Edinburgh Tram is a very smooth and comfortable ride. However ... always keen to find fault, Agenda noted that there was no wifi on board, surely a pre-requisite in any 21st-century transport system etc etc? But it turns out there soon will be, and that it's already being piloted on three trams. "Performance has been very good and the remaining trams will be installed with wi-fi over the coming weeks." So nothing to complain about then, at least until the judge-led public inquiry (date still to be determined) tries to pin down the blame in the barrel of eels that is Edinburgh City Council and Transport Scotland.