I AM delighted to learn that the speed cameras on the A9 are now active ("A9 speed cameras are switched on", The Herald, October 29).

However, I take issue with the frequently repeated statement that this is "one of the country's most dangerous roads".

It is, since the last upgrading, wide with sweeping curves allowing a good view ahead. It is just that it is not a dual carriageway throughout. Any "accidents" are, almost always, not accidents at all but the result of gross impatience, lack of driver skill or attention (or often both), or sheer criminal lunacy from driving much too fast. At least these cameras will (hopefully) deter some of the latter.

It is axiomatic that motorists everywhere must always drive within the conditions prevailing. That may mean driving at less than the speed limit - it's a maximum not a target. It also may mean that you cannot safely overtake a slower vehicle immediately you catch up with it. Tough - put up with it and allow a bit of margin for your journey. The road is perfectly safe if drivers behave responsibly.

It would be good to see courts imposing far more serious penalties for those who refuse to consider the welfare of others. And for those who really don't like driving on this route, there is always the excellent train service.

James B Duncan,


11 Muirend Road,
