HAVING had the great pleasure of spending time chatting about Scots songs, and particularly benefiting from her knowledge of the songs of Robert Burns, I recognised much of the spirited portrait of Jean Redpath given in your obituary (The Herald, August 25).

Hers was indeed a huge contribution and she will be sorely missed. Her role as a great ambassador for Scots song was recognised, as listed in this obituary, by a number of key Scottish institutions.

I realise that not all the details of a person's life can be included in a short obituary, but it was unfortunate that her honorary doctorate of music awarded by the University of Glasgow was not mentioned.

Alongside the great American Burns scholar Professor G Ross Roy, she received her doctorate in 2009- the 250th anniversary of the birth of Burns whose work was so central to her life and work - and indeed the photograph included with the obituary was of that very memorable occasion.

Dr Kirsteen McCue,

Head of Scottish Literature, School of Critical Studies,

Co-Director, Centre for Robert Burns Studies,

7 University Gardens,
