WITH great relish, Catriona Stewart reports the findings of research entitled Male Idiot Theory ("Science says: Most men are idiots", The Herald, December 12).

Extreme examples of idiocy are quoted and the concession made that it is, perhaps, women who are reporting what they think is idiocy and thus labelling men as somehow inferior.

I would suggest we should remind ourselves that men are risk takers, testing out their physical strength and bravery as evolution determined they should in order to protect those physically weaker than themselves. How many firewomen do you see risking their lives in burning buildings or in rescue situations? Women are not yet in the front line and at risk of enemy fire and they seem to stand back when male police officers are facing extreme danger.

Science does not say most men are idiots. It says some are. Ms Stewarts's reporting of this research lacks balance.

Elizabeth Mueller,

12 Bank Street, Hillhead, Glasgow.