It seems as if Doctor Who, in his old police telephone box, the Tardis, has been visiting the world's tiniest tourist centre, the phone box at the site of the Battle of Flodden, in an attempt to change the past (Is this the world's tiniest tourist centre?, News, June 2).

In your otherwise informative report, you write "the conflict ended disastrously, with the death of Scots King James VI on the battlefield" occurring in 1513. It certainly would have been disastrous for James VI, as he lived from 1566 to 1625. British history would have been rather different, as there would likely have been no union of the crowns in 1603 when James VI of Scotland became James I of England.

I suspect, however, that this was no Time Lord intervention but an inverted Roman numeral. James IV died at Flodden.

David Muir
