How familiar was David Adams's letter (March 8).

Here we are again, talking about the same problem of litter.

Mr Adam feels it is mainly motorists who cause the problem and he may be correct in this.

I question whom people think will remove the empty drink bottle they carefully place on a garden wall.

There is also the problem of rubbish carefully tied in a polythene bag but left on the roadside to be attacked by birds, the contents blown everywhere. We have polystyrene food containers dropped when the contents have been eaten. Now we have those plastic bags that some dog owners carefully use but there are those who think nothing of either tying it to a fence or, as I saw this week, throwing it into a tree.

Many have noticed this awful problem but who has been prosecuted, who is around when the litter is dumped?

The local authorities need to be more active but will probably say financial restraint means they can't employ more people to pick up the litter.

Alison Masterson,

9 Kip Avenue,
