IT seems that as one exceeds the bus pass qualification age by a few years or so, more and more matters in life pass one by unnoticed.

As an illustration, I would proffer the introduction of the word "vape" ("Vape pips Indyref to Oxford's word of 2014", The Herald, November 18). I understand that it can be used as a noun or a verb. I believe (maybe I need to get out more), that, when the verb form is altered and it serves the same function as a noun in the sentence , it is known as a gerund.

Apparently the creation of the word "vape" is all to do with electronic smoking. How smoking has moved on from the days of general shortages and rationing after the Second World War when smokers were pleased (perhaps that is a less than accurate description of the emotional condition engendered) to smoke '"Pashas", which were made from Turkish tobacco and which smelled about as bad as they tasted, so I am informed.

Until the news broke this week, my reaction to the idea of electronic smoking and words associated with it would have been a toss-up between ignorance and apathy. Now I have to relate simply to the latter of these mental states.

Ian W Thomson,

38 Kirkintilloch Road, Lenzie.