THE best use of top-quality full-fat milk is undoubtedly in a White Russian, which also includes Kahlua (or Tia Maria) and the best vodka you have to hand.

But what if the vodka was also made from milk? Yes, you read that correctly. Vodka does not have to come from the more traditionally used grain or potatoes ... you can also make it from milk.

Jason Barber is a very innovative dairy farmer based in West Dorset. He has 250 grass grazed cows and he makes award-winning cheeses such as Barber's 1833 cheddar. And he makes a really tasty vodka entirely from the cows' milk. He separates the curds from the whey and the curds are used to make the cheese. The whey is fermented into a beer using a special yeast that converts the milk sugar into alcohol. The milk beer is then distilled, treated and blended. At this point it has become vodka, and Barber finishes the spirit with a triple filtration before bottling by hand as Black Cow Pure Milk Vodka "The Gold Top" (Inverarity One to One, £27.99 for 70cl, bottled at 40% ABV).

It's a very surprising and undeniably cool product. You'll get hints of vanilla and spice on the nose, and the palate is soft, creamy and approachable. It's lovely as a sipper straight from the fridge, and I recommend serving it with the cheeseboard after a sumptuous dinner. It will be a talking point for your guests and it really works with the cheese (trust me), as well as being a great digestif. It's also a decent addition to your cocktail cabinet, especially if you're fond of creamier beverages such as the White Russian.

Pete Stewart is Glasgow director of Inverarity One to One, 185a Bath Street, Glasgow