What is it?

A retro-style mobile phone that is a throwback to simpler times when all you had to worry about was whether you could get a signal and beating your personal best score on Snake.

The Nokia 3310 is making a phoenix from the ashes-esque return this spring 12 years after it was phased out, blithely cast aside in the clamour for ever more advanced smart phones.

Pitched by its Finnish makers HMD Global as "a digital detox or a holiday phone", the 2017 revamp promises a month-long battery life, 22 hours of talk-time and basic internet 2.5G connection.

The new model has a colour screen and two megapixel camera which the original did not. Snake connoisseurs will be thrilled that the classic game is also back.

Good Points?

Everything the new Nokia 3310 offers is executed well including a powerful battery that's not wasted with background processing.

The indestructible build quality of the original is replicated in the new model with chunky buttons to cap off that nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Bad points?

It's difficult to be disappointed in something that doesn't promise a lot from the start. The only gripe with the retro feel is the outdated and cumbersome input type. Simple text messages can take minutes to generate.

Best for ...

Those who want an inexpensive, no-nonsense phone without the bloated features of the latest devices. Worth looking at as an emergency back-up where a longer battery life is needed.

Avoid if ...

You get jittery without all the trimmings associated with modern distractions such as apps, social media and GPS related content.

Score: 8/10.

Nokia 3310, £41 (nokia.com)