THE Centre for Confidence and Well-being was launched eight years ago with the intention of tackling Scotland's "cannae do" attitude.

It aims to change Scottish culture and encourage positive attitudes, individuality, creativity and innovation.

At the launch, founder and chief executive Dr Carol Craig warned that lacking confidence had implications for economic growth and enterprise, as well as physical and mental health.

But she also said the centre would strive to avoid creating a nation of "self-obsessed Pollyannas".

Craig's think-tank was founded after widespread acclaim for her first book, The Scots' Crisis Of Confidence, which explored the nation's attitude and predilection for negativity. Two years ago she published the The Tears That Made The Clyde, in which she argued that Glasgow's health and social problems are not only due to factors such as poverty and unemployment, but a deep-seated macho culture.

Craig has previously spoken of the impact that Scotland's lack of confidence has on the nation's health, saying some studies had shown feelings of pessimism could reduce life expectancy by as much as eight years.

She also recommends children should be taught how to overcome their Scottish pessimism. However in 2009, she warned teachers "obsessed with praising" were creating a generation of egotistical pupils, criticising a "fashionable" self-esteem agenda which had gone too far. According to the centre's website – – it receives a small amount of core funding from the Scottish Government.