Scottish Labour has called for the parliamentary rules to be changed to enable Holyrood to oppose UK-wide trade union reforms.

An attempt to use a legislative consent motion (LCM) to block the UK Government's Trade Union Bill has already been rejected by Scottish Parliament Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick.

The Scottish Government argued the Bill, which restricts the time employees can spend on union business and forbids the deduction of dues by direct debit, would impact on employee relations in its devolved agencies.

Mrs Marwick said this is not sufficient grounds for an LCM, designed so Westminster cannot legislate on devolved matters without Holyrood's consent.

Labour has questioned whether her ruling correctly applies the Parliament's standing orders.

The party's equality spokesman Neil Findlay has lodged a motion calling on all MSPs to consider what rule changes are required to amend parliamentary procedures to allow the LCM to be debated.

He said: "We believe the Presiding Officer's interpretation of Standing Orders is wrong.

"She has applied an overly-restrictive interpretation of the term 'executive competence' and, strangely, an overly-restrictive view of the right of the Scottish Parliament to police legislation that fundamentally changes the way that Scottish Government and public bodies can act as employers.

"The Tory Trade Union Bill will have an impact on workers in local authorities and other devolved areas like the civil service and police as well as many Scottish businesses. This is not an issue for Holyrood to wash its hands of.

"The SNP government must not give up the fight at the first hurdle. All parties that want to block this Bill should unite on this matter. "

It is understood any proposal for a rule change would require an inquiry by the Parliament's Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.