They lit up the skies across Scotland but what caused the brightly coloured clouds that covered the country last night?

The colourful clouds were spotted in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Dunfermline, with many people on Twitter believing them to be the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights.

However, Lancaster University's AuroraWatch UK, who received a number of calls about the clouds, told the BBC that conditions are not right for the Aurora and said it believes that what people saw last night were nacreous clouds.

The Herald:

Picture: Doyourealisethough, Reddit

Nacreous clouds are formed in the Earth's lower stratosphere over polar regions when the sun is just below the horizon.

It's not just Scots that have witnessed the spectacular display. The beautiful cloud formations have also been spotted in Dublin, Newcastle, Norfolk and North East England.

Have you seen any nacreous clouds? Send us your pictures.