The Scottish wildcat is the UK's only remaining large mammal predator.

l It came to Britain over continental land bridge more than 9000 years ago, long before arrival of domestic cats.

l Persecution and deforestation contributed to falling numbers in 18th and 19th centuries, but the biggest threats are hybridisation and road accidents.

l Its coat has well-defined unbroken black and brown stripes on its flanks; its face and jaw are wider and more heavy-set than on a domestic cat; it has distinctive thick, black and brown ringed, blunt-ended tail.

l Females weigh around 3.7kg on average and males 5.3kg.

Feeds on rabbits, hares, voles and mice, though will also eat birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects and vegetation.

l Wildcat Haven ( is thought to be the first of its kind in Europe.