An inhaler which administers emergency pain relief to trauma patients has been approved for use in the UK.

Penthrox – known as the “green whistle” in Australia and New Zealand where it is used by ambulance staff and sports clubs – offers rapid pain relief within six to 10 breaths.

It has now been introduced in the UK and is currently being used by the South East Coast Ambulance Service, with the hope its use will spread across the NHS.

Joe Emery, a paramedic and clinical quality manager at the South East Coast Ambulance Service, said: “It is fast-acting and provides relief quickly. We have been able to help badly injured patients in serious accidents much quicker and control their pain on their way to hospital.

“The benefit for the patient is obvious but, by enabling us to get the patient’s pain under control quickly, we can work more efficiently.”

David Bennett, managing director of Galen drugs firm, said: “We are delighted to be able to bring this innovative product to the UK.

“At a time when UK emergency departments and ambulance trusts are experiencing significant pressures, we are excited about the potential of Penthrox to improve service efficiencies as well as patient care.”

Penthrox contains the drug methoxyflurane.

It is licensed for the emergency relief of moderate to severe pain in conscious adult patients with trauma and associated pain.

The drug is self-administered using a hand-held inhaler, under the supervision of a trained clinician.