THE Burns Clubs of the Glasgow and District Burns Association have laid wreaths at the foot of the Robert Burns statue in George Square on the Saturday closest to his birth date from the day the statue was unveiled in January 1877.

This year is no different; the celebration will be held on the January 26, but what about next year? Where will the statue of our bard be in January 2014? Will there be access for this simple mark of respect? Could this year be our last opportunity to celebrate the birthday of our greatest poet in George Square?

This simple event commences at noon with a procession from the City Chambers, led by a piper with members and presidents of the Burns clubs joined by a children's choir from the Bridgeton Schools Competition, who sing for us after the piper has played his lament and wreaths have been laid.

May I recommend joining our celebrations at the statue on Saturday week to witness this unique occasion – and to share our concerns.

An' forward, tho' I canna see

I guess an' fear.

(from Robert Burns's To a Mouse)

Robert Louis Stevenson,

Past president, Glasgow and District Burns Association,

Benleigh Earnbank Road,
