WE still discuss whether sex equality is being achieved, so well done to Glasgow's North Kelvinside Secondary which taught girls in the metal-work department back in 1978. If only successive governments had ensured that there were sufficient jobs in the metal industries for them to have a career in after they left NK. Good to see pupils Sandra Thomson and Caroline McGrath wearing safety goggles at the lathe as some folk assume that health and safety is a relatively new phenomenon.

It is strangely comforting to see that teacher George Campbell is wearing the techie teacher uniform of loud jacket, ill-matching tie, and dodgy haircut. Honestly, that look for teachers never goes out of fashion, or, to be more precise, never comes into fashion.

North Kelvinside School is no more as it merged with Cleveden Secondary in the late nineties, which is in the building of the old Girls' High School. And there are still girls in safety goggles on the school's website, which is also comforting.