WE mentioned the Queen's coronation on Saturday, and here is a slightly smaller coronation ceremony - Jean Clark being crowned Brisbane Queen in Largs by the wife of the Provost, Mrs J Robertson, in July, 1955. Now Brisbane might seem a bit far from Largs, but the connection is that the Australian city was name after an early Governor of New South Wales, Sir Thomas Brisbane, who was born at Brisbane House, Noddsdale, near Largs.

The annual ceremony began as the Carnival Queen festival in the thirties but was renamed to commemorate Sir Thomas, and the Queensland Government in Australia was so chuffed that it had a sceptre and regalia specially made for the Largs Queen. Not sure of her young attendant is that impressed though. Thousands would attend the ceremony as the royal procession went through the streets of the Ayrshire town and was one of the highlights for holidaymakers from Glasgow. Simpler times, really.