MARTIN Docherty-Hughes (“A European war we no longer thought possible”, The Herald, February 23) is a member of a party that was until not so long ago anti-Nato but has now fallen into line with the rest of the right-wing establishment.

We were anti-Russian in the Czars’ day, also the time of Communist rule, and now they are good old capitalists we are still the same. We are supposed to believe they are champing at the bit to invade us.

The Crimeans had a referendum just like us but the Yes vote won this time. It was understandable, as the majority are ethnic Russians. They voted to break away from Ukraine which is even more right wing and corrupt than Westminster. They were historically part of Russia.

Mr. Docherty doesn’t really give us a rational explanation for his hatred of Russia. It may be aggressive in Ukraine but is not nearly as threatening as Nato, which has troops on Russia’s doorstep.

Is Mr Docherty-Hughes really anti-Trident? These weapons of mass destruction are part of the Nato he so admires.

Tory-lite Labour took the Scots vote for granted. Is the SNP now doing the same? I voted for Mr Docherty-Hughes here in West Dunbartonshire. His article would suggest he is not Tory-lite but a full-blooded Tartan Tory. He has lost my vote.

Myra Garthsore,

16 Barloan Place, Dumbarton.