THE SNP continues to claim that education is its top priority, while presiding over the sharpest decline in standards since records began and a looming crisis in school staffing. Just in case anyone out there thinks that John Swinney is actually tackling the problems, here are some facts.

The assessment burden in secondary schools, entirely created by the SNP Government, has hampered teaching and learning in two ways. The amount of time wasted on pointless assessments which contribute nothing to the final grade, and the huge workload implication which is demoralising current staff and deterring future recruits. What has Mr Swinney done so far? In my subject, mathematics, at Higher level, nothing at all. All candidates must continue to sit and pass 12 tests throughout the year. The test scores count for nothing in the final grade; that is completely determined by the final examination. Tot up the class time spent on this, plus resits, plus absentees, and the marking. For National 5, only those pupils who are assured of a pass can bypass the 13 tests at this level. In other words, those pupils who require the most time for teaching have to waste time sitting, and re-sitting, 13 tests. Meanwhile, at National 4 level, pupils, teachers and parents remain distressed at the total disregard of their totally justified desire for a proper examination at the end of the course.

How hard would it be to abandon the plethora of tests at Higher and Nat 5, and introduce an examination at National 4? Personally, I could write one in an afternoon if that would be of assistance to Mr Swinney.

Carole Ford,

132 Terregles Avenue, Glasgow.