THE "Glorious Twelfth" – or the "Inglorious Twelfth", as it's often more appropriately referred to – marks the start of the annual red grouse shooting season, when so-called "sportspeople" gear up to kill about half a million grouse. No training or proof of experience is required to go grouse shooting, which means that many birds will be left to endure a lingering, painful death after being shot by inexperienced shooters.

It's not just the grouse who suffer, either – vast numbers of animals such as foxes, stoats, squirrels, and weasels are also killed by shooters and gamekeepers to "protect" the grouse just long enough for them to be shot. Hawks, falcons, and owls have also been trapped, poisoned, and shot – causing large quantities of toxic lead shot to be discharged into the countryside – in an effort to sustain this blood sport.

Turning sentient beings into living targets for the perverted pleasure of gunning them down is detestable. It's time that we said "No more".

Jennifer White,

Media and Partnerships Coordinator, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,

Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London.