A very interesting article by Alan Bissett (Down with homework, The big read, January 8). Unfortunately the logical extension of his premise – because he neglected his homework in favour of activities he preferred, he achieved meaningful and enjoyable employment – would be that homework refuseniks would be the most successful in finding even more rewarding employment post-school, which I suspect is not the case.

Also, if we know that certain qualifications, including the most basic of literacy and numeracy, are essential to have a chance of obtaining any employment other than the "soul-destroying" jobs alluded to, it would be an abdication of responsibility not to do all in our power via the education system, which may include setting homework, to ensure that all pupils achieve these. Otherwise, by leaving less-motivated pupils to their own devices, we are indeed perpetrating the division of society by ensuring they are unfit for anything other than the most menial and unrewarding tasks.

Jane Ann Liston

St Andrews