I AM somewhat tired of listening to and reading about so-called experts bleating on about how well-off pensioners are compared to those who are still working ("Pensioners are now better off than their working-age equivalents". The Herald, February 13).

Was it not ever thus? I, and very many more like me, prepared for the retirement phase of life while raising a young family, having them educated and entertained, not to mention feeding and clothing, and eventually paying for their university education. All of which, as a parent, was of course, my responsibility.

I was contributing 11.25 per cent of my salary towards my pension. At times it was difficult, sacrifices were and had to be made, periods without a car, holidays spent on the west coast of Scotland (foreign and other exotic holidays had to wait). Since retiring I have done voluntary work across a number of charities, local and international, and I am still paying a substantial amount in income tax. Of course I am comfortable, and my/our two sons are very successful in their chosen careers. Is this not what reasonable people should be striving for?

Dan Edgar,

Toward View, 31 Ardbeg Road, Rothesay, Isle of Bute.