ONCE again the Church of Scotland leadership have been flawless in their ignorance of and commitment to the Bible, the very book their faith is supposedly based on ("Kirk in landmark apology over gay discrimination", The Herald, April 18). The only apology the Church of Scotland should make is to God for leading people astray from His salvation and loving principles.

Jesus made it clear in the Bible that He came to seek and save the lost from their sins. The Church of Scotland, by ignoring what God prescribes as sin, gives people no hope, leaving them bound by their sin.

As far as marriage, these so-called theologians continue to ignore what is clear from Scripture and that Jesus emphasised in the Gospels that in the beginning God created man and woman, that the man would leave his family and become one flesh with the woman. God never intended Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve, in sexual relationship or marriage.

For the Kirk to ignore the very teaching of the Bible reveals it has no right to consider itself the Church of Scotland. With this heretical teaching its leaders no longer represent God.

Rev PS Aiken,

The Hills, Goslawdales, Selkirk.

YOUR article today anent the Kirk's welcome deliberations on conducting same-sex marriage highlights the hope of Ruth Davidson that she and her partner can have a wedding in the Kirk (“Kirk facing legal battle over move for same-sex marraiges”, The Herald, April 19).

I do wonder if there is a Kirk minister out there who would be prepared to conduct the service when her willingness to force mothers to prove that their third and subsequent children were the result of rape to claim benefit for them is an outrageous denial of the Christ who suffered the little children to come to him.

Ms Davidson and her Conservative ilk would be better following Christ than Theresa May.

Graeme McCormick,

Redhouse Cottage,

Arden, by Loch Lomond.