MARK Smith’s article on the re-cycling of plastics, metal and paper was very informative and helpful (“Crisp bags? Foil? Pizza boxes? What can and cant’ be recycled”, The Herald, January 17) . There is one major problem which is approaching rapidly.

The Chinese government has stated that, from March 31 this year, China will not accept most of the recyclable waste from other countries which it has been processing up till now. Internationally China has been by far the major processor of recyclable waste.

It is unclear how this situation will be dealt with by the governments of the many western nations which will be affected. However, until alternative facilities for recycling are available, the various choices are very undesirable. These are burning, stockpiling or disposing to landfill, all which are unacceptable.

What will our local authorities and Scottish Parliament do to deal with the situation?

Hugh Boyd,

65 Antonine Road, Bearsden.