Supporters of a second question on the independence referendum insist that the so-called "Devo" options are not dead.

The Westminster Government has declared the results of its consultation suggested little appetite for another question.

The Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats and Labour insisted the findings showed public opinion was behind a single choice.

But the SNP called the exercise "flawed" as more than a quarter had used a "set text" from the Labour website and demanded there be outside scrutiny of the submissions.

The Devo Plus group, which backs more tax raising powers for Holyrood, said that there was an "emerging consensus" in Scotland that its aims represented where the country wanted to go.

A spokesman for the Devo Plus campaign said: "There remain a range of ways in which our proposal Devo Plus can come to fruition.

"However, our group is setting the destination, where we want to get to, rather than the means of reaching that goal.

"We need a Scottish Parliament that broadly raises what it spends."

The SNP said it would submit a number of Freedom of Information requests to discover if more had been submitted using the Labour website, but with amended wording.