AIR passenger duty fleeces Scotland of revenue and helps the SNP's arguments for independence, one of the party's MPs has said.

Angus Brendan MacNeil warned Westminster not to underestimate the influence the aviation tax could have on people voting on whether or not to support an independent Scotland.

He said: "The Westminster Government should understand that this policy helps arguments for independence, which of course in one way I welcome, but it should also remember the downside to this is that, in the meantime, this is damaging Scotland's economy, as well as other areas under Westminster's control."

Mr MacNeil added that "an independent Scotland would run an air passenger duty regime - if it indeed had air passenger duty -more in sympathy with Scotland's needs".

Speaking during an Opposition Day debate on the issue, he said: "We don't have taxes designed for Scotland.

"And if ever an issue crystallises that point, it's APD. Scotland is fleeced with APD."