Holyrood's presiding officer has given her backing 'in principle' to the creation of a second chamber at the Scottish Parliament.

Tricia Marwick, who is standing down in May, said the chamber should be used to revise legislation.

However, she told the BBC that it would be 'off the agenda' until an agreed model was found.

Lord Steel, Holyrood's first presiding officer, has previously also called for the introducing of a second chamber.

The chamber would act in the same way as the House of Lords does at Westminster.

The Scottish Parliament's committee currently carry out the functions of a second chamber but critics claim the system is not 'sufficiently robust'.

The departing presiding officer also told journalists and departing MSPs at Holyrood that she believed that power should be devolved to the most local level possible and that she found some Holyrood business, including weekly general questions sessions to ministers, 'boring'.