Lazy Susan talk about their new show, Crazy, Sexy, Fool. 

1 Tell us about your Fringe show

It's a lotta fun (to watch. To do it's very arduous and brave). It's basically a sketch / character free-for-all with some stories and peculiar costumes. 

2 Best thing about the Fringe?

Seeing lots of people do great shows and eating crepes.

3 Worst thing about the Fringe?

The expense. (Sorry that one's not very juicy). 

4 How many years have you been coming to the Fringe?

As a double act this is our 3rd year. 

5 Favourite Fringe venue?

Ah there's too many!

6 Best Fringe memory?

That's a private matter. 

7 Best heckle?

We've never been heckled at Edinburgh - very well-behaved audiences. But of course we've been met with devastating silence aplenty. 

8 Craziest on stage experience? 

It's all crazy, baby. 

9 What’s on your rider?

Ha ha ha. No one gets a rider at the Fringe. Bless you. 

10 How do you wind down after a show?

A G&T, burger, 3 mile run.

11 What do you love about Scotland?

The landscape.

12 What do you like about Edinburgh?

The architecture. 

13 What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

There must have been a time when we were very friendly but also firm, and that's probably quite Scottish isn't it? (We're nervous around the idea of defining what is 'Scottish') 

14 What kind of jokes do a Scottish crowd seem to respond to?

See above. 

15 Favourite joke?

Anything Lou Sanders says.

16 Favourite Scottish food/drink?

Haggis & whiskey. Genuinely like both. 

Lazy Susan: Crazy Sexy Fool is on at the Plasance Courtyard, 7:15pm, until August 29.