Little minx

TITANIA McGrath, world-renowned millennial icon and radical intersectionalist poet committed to feminism, social justice and armed peaceful protest, is coming to the Fringe with her new show Mxinfesto, to show you are wrong about everything.

TMG, if you haven’t already suspected, is a satirical alter-ego, created by writer and comedian Andrew Doyle.

After just a year of Twitter activity, McGrath, who describes herself as non-binary, polyracial and ecosexual has seen her parody account amass over 300,000 followers. Her first book is Woke: A Guide To Social Justice.

Doyle’s character follows in the footsteps of great fake news writers such as Henry Root and Bob Servant.

Mxinfesto takes the form of a confrontational lecture in which Titania guides her audience through the often bewildering, array of terminology and concepts that constitute 21stcentury 'wokeness'.

"New words such as 'manterrupting', 'microaggressions' and 'heteronormativity' often leave the general public bemused, particularly if they don’t read The Guardian."

Award-winning comedy actress and character comedian Alice Marshall plays woke icon Titania, who was of course named after the goddess of the Fairies.

Titania McGrath: Mxnifesto at the Pleasance Courtyard (Pleasance Above) July 31 – August 25 at 9pm.


NEED to see a child-catcher of a show? (For over sixes). How about Inflatable Space, desribed as “A visually stunning theatrical odyssey exploring space, time and our human condition,” from internationally acclaimed theatre artist, Thaddeus Phillips.

Here’s the theme; The Voyager Spacecraft, carrying the Golden Record - our message in a bottle to the universe - was launched in 1977. Eons later, in interstellar space, it is intercepted and its discoverers accept Humanity’s invitation to visit Earth.

“The romance of this extraordinary tale rooted in fact gives rise to the fantastical in the mundane. Doughnuts become planets, Voyager’s Control Room overlooks the Pasadena, California McDonald’s parking lot, and golden records spin out of our solar system into the unknown at a pace of a million miles a day. “

All this, and a colossal inflatable set piece that emerges and recedes into the darkness of space, Inflatable Space “morphs between the 1970s, present time and light years into the future.”

Assembly Roxy, July 31 - August 26 (not 7, 14, 21), 4.15pm.

Of mice and mould

CRITICALLY acclaimed playwright, actor, broadcaster and activist, Scottee is set to unveil his new show, Class.

“Scottee grew up drawing pictures using the condensation and mould on his bedroom wall and window in the 15th most deprived borough of the country, around mould, mice and clothes off the market,” said a spokesperson. “After a chance meeting with some posh kids, his Mum teaching him to talk proper and him successfully persuading his parents to take him off free school meals, Scottee knew he didn’t want to be common.”

In Class, Scottee uncovers what it is to be embarrassed about where you’re from and explores why we all get a thrill playing god with green tokens from Waitrose.

“Class isn’t made for working class audiences, they already know the story Scottee unfolds.”

Assembly, Edinburgh: