The Unadoptables

Hana Tooke

Penguin Books, £10.83

What is the book about?

This book is centred around The Little Tulip Orphanage in late 1800s Italy and five of the orphans that live there.

Who is it aimed at?

It is primarily aimed at eight to twelve year olds, however it can be appealing to anyone.

What was your favourite part?

The way it’s written is fast-paced without seeming too hurried as every moment feels like it’s building up to something larger. There’s a sort of tension and anticipation in each page that makes it impossible to put down.

What was your least favourite part?

The way the main characters are introduced can be confusing when first settling into the book.

Which character would you most like to meet?

This book is heavily focused on the characters and their relationship as a group, but I find the main character Milou particularly interesting.

Why should someone buy this book?

It is a reasonably short, comforting read, and it’s sweet and relatable friendships only enhance the adventure.