Amy Howerska tells us all about her survivor's tale...

Tell us about your Fringe show...

It’s a survivor's tale of growing up in an extreme sports family but with jokes...often about death

How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time?

It feels a bit mad. It can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, putting your first hour together, especially if you are doing a new show instead of a ‘greatest hits.’ The whole business side of it can also be a bit long, but I’m here now and I am excited to get started.

Best live act seen at Fringe?

I’ve seen so many amazing live acts over the years at the fringe that It would be hard to pick just one. A few years ago I saw a gig at the stand with Hannibal Buress that was Mc’d by Andy Zaltzman and John Oliver, who were continually interrupted by the voice of God (Kitson). It was one of the best gigs I’ve ever been to.

Best thing about the Fringe?

Finding an incredible show in a sweaty little basement and sharing that magical moment of a perfect show with strangers.

Worst thing about the Fringe?

Everyone drinking too much and having spiritual and emotional breakdowns.

If you were not a performer/comedian what would you be doing?

I think I would probably be a journalist or still be working at the British Film Institute (hopefully in their programming department.)

What do your family think of your show?

They’ve not seen it yet. I think they are sh****** themselves. I’ve assured them it’s a PG version.

How do you combat pre-gig nerves?

I used to have a drink before a gig, but now I don’t drink at work anymore, alcohol makes anxiety worse. Nowadays I like to let emotions fully wash over me and enjoy the ole mental human experience. If I’m nervous I just look over my notes. If I’m really nervous I’ll make someone hug me.

Worst on stage experience?

I don’t think I’ve had it yet, I am sure it’s coming. I’ll let you know

How do you recover from a hefty heckle? Do you have a set of stock replies?

I don’t have any stock replies, it’s always best in the moment.  I love a good heckle though, my friends have told me my eyes light up when it happens. I think ‘bring it on bitch. I know myself, I’m ready, are you?’

What do you love about Scotland?

Scottish people. I grew up in Wales. When you grow up in a place with really strong socialist values it seeps through on every level. It’s always good to be with some Celts.

What do you like about Edinburgh?

Well it is so beautiful! The architecture, the situation...and I love that the food is so cheap comparatively to London. The seafood is great. I am going to enjoy that this year.

What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

Headbutted someone

Who’s your favourite Scottish comedian?

Billy Connolly... back in the day. 80’s Billy Connolly.

Favourite joke?

I have favourite routines more than jokes. Tom Bell has a routine about the guy who's in charge of choosing whether or not we have page three in times of national tragedy. He calls him Tit Lord. The routine ends with him shouting RUN THE TITS!  

See Amy Howerska: Sasspot at Gilded Balloon: Teviot – The Turret until 30th August.