Neil McLennan

No biography available.

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Latest articles from Neil McLennan

Neil McLennan: Today's lesson? We must keep political bias out of the classroom

I HAVE a history of calling out nationalism in education, as do many progressives. Our children deserve better. They are global citizens growing up in an interconnected world. Narrow nationalist ideas and parochial power-games have no place in the classrooms. We need to expand children’s view of the world, not reduce it to the toxic tribalism which ripped the world apart in two world wars and continues to create artificial tensions alongside the hollowing out of debate.

Neil McLennan: Attacks show enlightened education reform is needed

I QUESTIONED various aspects of Scottish education in a recent Herald on Sunday interview with Neil Mackay – and seemed to spark wide discussion. While some criticised my views, others nodded in agreement. Many who read beyond the headline reached out privately in agreement, expressing concerns and thanking me for candidly raising issues. The silent majority is a significant issue for society and democracy in Scotland.

Neil McLennan: The importance of remembering the Somme

One hundred years ago men all along the Somme front line woke to the summer sun and prepared letters and last thoughts before going into battle. Many were confident and assured, although, despite artillery bombardments on German lines giving weight to commanders' assurances, many waited in trepidation at "going over the top".