Parma ham, fried garlic squid, tips of asparagus

Prepping squid can be daunting but its really an easy process, just make sure that when buying they have been cleaned out

Squid is becoming more and more popular. I think it best done in Tempura, and when doing at home it never lasts long!!!. Tempura is always a great dish when youre entertaining and sure to go down a treat!!!


4-6 x parma ham

8-10 x cherry tomatoes

300g x squid

50g x butter

1 bunch x parsley

2-3 x shallots

1 table spoon x garlic

12 x tips of asparagus


Start with the squid if its not cleaned then start by taking the tentacles off the body cut evenly then clean inside the body then cut into rings or open up and cut into large rectangle shape.

Peel shallots and chop finely

Pick wash and chop parsley coarsely, peel and chop garlic finely.

You are just using the tips of asparagus so cut off the core, put in bin and use the middle piece for a soup.

Cook asparagus tips in boiling salted water, refresh in ice salted water, drain as soon as cold.


When about to serve you need a very hot frying pan, little oil add squid, fry quickly getting nice color, add little butter then parsley, shallots, garlic then add tomatoes last minute. Put in a bowl and put parma ham pieces over and around. Reheat asparagus then put on top.
