What is it?

A free and encrypted password manager with many useful features.

Modern-day computing has aided life no end as we manage banking, energy and entertainment accounts from the comfort of our sofas.

The downside? Remembering multiple passwords can be a minefield. We are warned not to reuse credentials and that's where a digital password manager such as Bitwarden comes in handy.

Good points?

Storing all your credentials securely in one place is simple with Bitwarden and means you only have to remember one password like a keychain holding all your keys. Unlike an actual keychain, your Bitwarden data can't be accessed by anyone else.

Any software of this type lives and dies by its security protocols and Bitwarden has some of the best available. It's end-to-end encryption (e2ee) system combined with a host of cryptographic libraries ensures personal information is safe and accessible only to you, the master password holder.

You can also check your password against a database of known compromised credentials and change when needed.

Accessing your vault is achieved on various platforms including the Bitwarden website, browser plug-ins and smartphones. You can securely store payment cards and other forms of private data, for example, identity information to quickly complete name and address details.

Bad points?

Some paid for alternatives offer extended functionality and plug-ins for more tech savvy users. Bitwarden also has fewer regular updates due to its smaller development team.

Best for ...

Those with multiple passwords to remember and who value their data enough to protect it.

Avoid if ...

You wear a tinfoil hat and hoard your cash away from untrustworthy banks in the attic.

Score: 8/10.

Bitwarden, free for personal use (bitwarden.com)