Bircher muesli is a healthy make-ahead breakfast that tastes like a treat! It’s so simple too! The bonus is that it can be gluten free, vegan and nut free by just replacing the ingredients with gluten free oats, seeds for nuts and dairy products with non-dairy products!

Serves 6 +

Ingredients -

100 g porridge oats

150 ml milk

225 ml Greek yoghurt

100 ml honey

45 ml lemon juice

60 g chopped hazelnuts (chopped)

3 each apples (red/green with the skin left on)

50 g dried cranberries

50 g peeled pistachios


Combine the milk, honey, yoghurt and lemon juice together in a bowl. Grate the 6 apples and add this to the mix. Lastly add the chopped hazelnuts and porridge oats, store in container and allow to rest in a fridge for 12 hours.

Garnish the next day with dried cranberries and chopped pistachios.

This is a breakfast meal that will keep you going until lunchtime!


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