SELECT Committee reports can often be long, dry and rather bland.

Yesterday's report on the Crown Estate in Scotland is the very opposite.

It is clear, concise and emphatic. The role of the Crown Estate Commissioners in managing Scotland's Crown lands should end. Its responsibilities should be devolved not only to the Scottish Parliament but to local authorities and communities.

What happens next is crucial. Scottish Secretary Michael Moore has indicated he is open to reform.

Prominent Liberals such as Charles Kennedy and John Thurso have always argued for reform and Scottish Liberals need to convince the Treasury to follow the Committee's conclusions. The Scottish Government also needs to make clear its willingness to engage in the discussion.

We are at a historic moment with a broad consensus across politically divided interests. Scotland's MPs and MSPs can make the report's recommendations a reality and many communities are eagerly anticipating the future when Scotland's Crown lands can be administered in Scotland by Scotland's communities in the interests of the Scottish people.

l Andy Wightman is the author of Who Owns Scotland and The Poor Had No Lawyers