Five Extinction Rebellion Scotland activists have chained themselves to the front of the Scottish Parliament building.

The campaigners have "locked themselves by the neck" to the Government building in a bid to demand that the upcoming Scottish Climate Bill takes further action to combat climate change.

The keys to the locks have been delivered to the five leaders of the main political parties within Scotland along with a note.

READ MORE: Extinction Rebellion protests: 29 arrested in Edinburgh 

Each note states that “This target is nowhere near ambitious enough to minimise the risk of catastrophic climate change of 2.c or more. It doesn’t do enough to mitigate the rapidly unfolding climate and ecological crises”.

The Herald:

The notes request the leaders come and unlock the rebels and engage in a productive dialogue on the Climate Bill with them.

The action is in protest of what the group are calling "a lack of action" in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act which is expected to set a 2045 target for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) report recommendations.

READ MORE: Extinction Rebellion join Glasgow protest against Donald Trump's state visit 

A similar action was taken by Extinction Rebellion Youth in Leipzig, Germany. Representatives from all five political parties who were sent keys came down to meet the activists, unlock them and discussed the climate and ecological crisis.