I BELIEVE that we make a grave error in using a blanket term for people seeking asylum and treating "asylum seekers" as a homogenous group.

People from both sides of conflicts flee for their lives. People whose countries are at war are seeking asylum. Victors and perpetrators of persecution from within the same country are seeking asylum. And we decide to take them out of their homes and bundle them together during lockdown in hotels.

Add that many are traumatised from what they have lived through and many have mental health conditions as well and as a result. Remove their choice of food and the money with which mobile phones can be charged for vital contact with those back home. Imagine what that might be like.

READ MORE: Fears rise over mental health of refugees during lockdown

There's no "them and us". People seeking asylum are human beings like ourselves and deserve the same respect we ask for ourselves.

Jen Gray, Glasgow G13.

Citizen of the Year

YOUR account of what Dr Christine Peters suffered in the course of seeking to care with the highest possible standards for patients is deeply disturbing ("Ordeal of doctor who raised alarm on hospital", The Herald, June 26). It is worrying that she and other colleagues should be branded as "trouble-makers" by some in the system at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital for no other reason that they considered there were factors which seemed to endanger the health, and possibly the life, of the hospital patients. Any professional inquiries seemed to be regarded as hostile. The wellbeing of patients seemed to be well down the list of priorities.

As a society we increasingly need the strength of character of people like Dr Peters. Total integrity and compassionate care for others are qualities which many admire and yet are not so often apparent in public life. Surely it is time to recognise and applaud those who make a stand to help others irrespective of personal cost. Dr Peters would be my first candidate for any Citizen of the Year award.

William F Wallace, Banchory.

Respect green spaces

IT is sad to note Matthew Lindsay's views on our environmental standards ("Balls to No Ball games... Scottish kids have to play", Herald Sport, June 29". Local authorities use "No Ball Games" signs to dissuade local areas of greenery from being monopolised by persons intent on regular "bounce" sessions, often to the exclusion of local youngsters. Many long-suffering residents adjacent to such areas can testify to property and vehicle damage over the years. Our local parks are both the intended and appropriate locations for football and other recreational pursuits. By all means encourage youngsters, but even "jackets for goalposts" sessions should be restricted to public parks' grassed areas.

Respect to others is a basic tenet highlighted by footballing academics in their coaching manuals.

Allan C Steele, Giffnock.

Good luck, Big Yin

I READILY concede that John McInnes (Letters, June 27), as a founder-member of the Billy Connolly Appreciation Society since 1968, must know a lot more about Billy Connolly than I do, but my impression on watching his recent televised BBC interviews was that this was the real deal, and the stage persona, outrageous and anarchic, was a clever act.

Anyway, either way he’s not going to please everyone. But good luck to the old guy.

R Russell Smith, Kilbirnie.

Hymning and humming

IT has been reported that tests are taking place in England to assess the volume of spittle and spray generated from singers (not the most uplifting image) during the singing of hymns. If there is sufficient concern at the conclusion of the tests, which are being conducted as part of the measures to counter the pandemic, hymns may well have to be hummed by worshippers during the service. The new normality therefore, when it comes, could well feature in church the humming of such as Onward Christian Soldiers, without, I fear, quite the same resonance and brio.

Ian W Thomson, Lenzie.